Feel like husband doesn’t support me.


So our daughter is 2 weeks old. I’ve been breastfeeding, or atleast trying. Ever since we got home she likes to be on my boob all day 🙄 then wants more when I finally get fed up and take her off. She falls asleep so I move her then she starts screaming so I put her back on. Well I have a small stash in the freezer from the first few days when I was so engorged. She will turn around and chug a bottle that’s 1-2 oz after. I can pump 3 sometimes 4 oz if she hasn’t nursed. But what’s really getting to me is everytime she starts screaming my husband just automatically goes and gets a bottle instead of trying to help me get the hang of breastfeeding better. Now I feel like my supply is starting to suffer because he just wants her to be quiet and makes a bottle, and my stash is almost gone in the freezer (I use it more for when I’m out in town and can’t stop to nurse for an hour or more). It’s just making me want to give up on breastfeeding for how much he doesn’t seem to support me.