always begin hot


I need some tips or advice one how to control my body temperature I'm always hot it didn't start until I got pregnant with my son( who is now 3), I'm always hot I can't lay on my side or stomach or I can feel start to heat up my ears get hot I have had 3 heat rashes in 2 months ( I never had heat rashes before) I sleep with a fan next to at different angles to help keep me cool at night so I can sleep but it doesn't help. I woke up this.morning with a temp of. 100°. its gotten so bad to the point in the winter time I go sleep outside in my car just to keep cool.. my bf doesn't cuddle with me anymore cause my body is hot.. my doctor just keep telling me my body will go.back to normal or maybe its because I'm to thin n won't run any test help how do I not be so hot!