breastfeeding and baby's sleep


hello, I was wondering if anyone had some advice on how to get your lo to sleep in there own bed. I know it's not recommended for her to sleep in mine so please no rude comments. but I can only get her to sleep and to stay asleep is she's sleeping in my bed. I want to start working on getting her out but I have no idea how to even start. she is two month old. My problem is she falls asleep nursing and I lay her down she will sleep for about 15min and then she is up and I can only get her back to sleep of she is on my breast again. She does not like to be swaddled she just screams if I do that. I have tried music, white noise, patting her belly, letting her cry. i have also tried multiple beds such as the halo bassenet, a pack n play, and bassenet that goes on the pack n play. any advice is truly appreciate. thank you in advance!