41 with failed Ivf


Hello, I am 41. I have had 5 failed

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

. My dr wants me to do donor eggs. I am not ready to do that. I was hoping for some advice for

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

protocols. I have lower Amh (1.8) and higher FSH (it varies greatly)

My first three were gonal f and Menopur. Lower doses of the two with estrogen patches in the prior cycle. All lead to an early blast being transferred on day 5 and failure.

My last two were extremely high doses of gonal f- 600iu and 100 clomid. I had estrogen in the prior cycle. One lead to an early blast on day five transfer- failed and one lead to zero blasts.

I want to ask for another try. What can I change to??