17 year olds Birth story-Episiotomy

Emma Louise

So I tried to right my birth story so many times but I never could express it right so let’s try again!

On Monday May 1st I had midwife who offered to do me a sweep on my due date (May 4th) as she said I’m not dilated and baby hasn’t dropped, labour was non existent. I got contractions 10minutes apart that night but they didn’t get worse the period pains. Tuesday morning I felt crappy and put it down to last night, then contractions went to every 8 minutes but I had been in slow labour for 3 weeks I wasn’t expecting much except my body getting ready for labour, I went in the bath and they basically stopped. Wednesday morning I woke cramping again not much more than period pains so I took paracetamol and ignored them doing school runs and going food shopping etc. Got to 3:40pm and they were every 6 minutes, rang hospital and they said to call when they’re 3-4minutes apart but it could be days yet. They started getting stronger around 8pm to the point my legs shook but no progression in timing. 10pm came and I went to bed but kept waking with contractions, that’s when I realised they were every 3-4minutes once I timed them. I went to tell my mum as I live with her and she said to phone and see what they say. Got given the green light to go up and as I was on the phone my computer contractions came every 2-3minutes! Woke my boyfriend up and off we went. Once we got there I was monitored for 30minutes and got told I was probably going home as they wasn’t regular, heartbroken wasn’t the word. My midwife offered to check me to see where I was as I was still standing through my pains and talking and surprise!! I was 4cm! She ran me a bath with and essential oil in to progress labour, spent an hour in the bath and 2 hours labouring on the bath-still talking through the pains and having a joke. She came to check me thinking I wouldn’t progress and I was at a 7!! I was officially in active labour! Thy offered me gas and air to break my waters 4 hours after because they still hadn’t broke, that’s when things hotted up. I fully dilated and had some diamorphine (godsend) because I hadn’t slept in about 28 hours at this point but it sent my baby to sleep!! 2 hours down the line it was time to push but my baby was at an angle so wouldn’t fit. So they had to kiwi her, time for the episiotomy because I was so tight and the doctor said 2 injections, wait 5 minutes and cut but he didn’t. He injected me and cut straight away, I screamed bloody murder. Then after an hour of pushing I gave birth to a gorgeous 8lb 2 babygirl measuring 50cm long after 9 hours of labour May 3rd- she even came out asleep because of the diamorphine!!

I never thought I would be able to do it and too anyone giving birth-having your mum there is the best thing in the world. I couldn’t thank her enough for keeping me strong when I felt like giving up.♥️