Please read the description before making an choice. Should I keep trying or go back on my meds to take care of the son I already do have?


I have MS and we I’ve been off all meds since April. We have been trying for 8 months with no success. I’ve been getting sick and MS causes me a lot of pelvic pain to where I can barely take care of myself let alone my 4 year old. I have great support in my husband, but still not being a disease modifying drug could be causing this pain and I cannot take any pain meds so I’ve been bearing and gritting my teeth. My husband works nights and doesn’t get home until 7:30. He is amazing and barely sleeps so he can help me when I’m in that much pain and let me lay down. During pregnancy all MS symptoms go away, it’s just another wonderful thing about having a baby. And all my doctors are on board ewith having another baby. But I’m questioning now if it’s really a good idea.. MS is so unpredictable and anything can happen. I’m just scared of bringing another baby into the mix. What if I have days where I need to be in bed due to pain? My husband is dead set on this baby. Idk what to do. So please be kind with your comments due to the fact I’m a little fragile right now.

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