C-Section vs. VBAC???


Hello ladies I was hoping to get some help deciding what to do with my second pregnancy. Here’s a little back story on my first pregnancy.

Everything in my first pregnancy was fine, no complications. My water broke at 39 weeks & I went into the hospital. I had no contractions & was only 1cm dilated. They put me on pitocin to get labor going. I was on that for 7 hours with a progression to 3cm. They decided to let me rest & would put me back on the pitocin in the morning because I was progressing so slowly.

Started up the pitocin again @ 5am. Got epidural at 11am. At 12 I was 5cm. Doc said she would come back at 5 and if I hadn’t progressed any further we would have to do an emergency c sections well 5pm came around and I was still at 5cm. They rushed me off to have surgery & my daughter was born. I didn’t have any complications after surgery.

My daughter will be 25 months old when this baby is due and my doctor hasn’t given me the choice to schedule a c section or try for a VBAC. She said I would have to go into labor on my own to be able to have a successful VBAC or I’ll have to have another c section. I am so torn & scared. All I have ever wanted was to have a vaginal birth and the recovery the first time astound was so hard. This time around I’m going to have a toddler to take care of as well so it’s just a hard decision I feel. If anyone could give me advice or maybe their experience that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much in advance. Sorry for the long post lol