Feeding/napping schedule help for FTM of 7 month old please


Basic issue:

When are you supposed to fit solids into the schedule for good napping??

My son’s wake time is only 1.5 hours after bottle. I do solids one hour after bottle so his belly has room. He goes down pretty soon after solids most of the time. He was finally getting good at taking longer naps but now, he’ll yawn and rub his eyes but then he squirms in my arms when I rock him or cruises the crib for a long time and then wails with a dirty diaper and then finally goes to sleep.

He didn’t used to postpone naps to poop! Should I be feeding him solids with the bottle?? Can his system handle that? Or do I need to just keep him up and playing until he poops even though he’s clearly tired?


My son started taking longer naps recently after months of only 30 min naps. I had tried sleep training using limited cry it out for over a month. Worked right away for overnight but couldn’t get naps. So I gave in and started rocking him all the way asleep, not just drowsy, and putting him down asleep...he took all long naps for 2 weeks. Then suddenly went back to 30 minutes l, has been squirming and banging his head on my shoulder when I rock him or just chilling on my shoulder but not falling asleep. I can put him down drowsy or asleep, then bang he’s up and crawling or playing with hands or toes. 30-45 minutes later he poops, wails and I change his diaper and put him back down. I don’t know if it’s me and my rocking that’s ruined him or the diapers but I’m so tired of not being able to get him sleeping good!! :(