“My son is an over eater”


A child came through my line at work (I work at a movie theater) with his mom, brother, and father. His mom bought their tickets but said she was not buying anything thing else for them because they “eat too much” and the boy (maybe 8) said “but I didn’t get breakfast so can i get a hotdog?” She told him no. If he wanted it, he had to buy it. He pulled out two dollars and asked if it would buy two hotdogs and his mother said “no that’s not enough, can’t you read the menu?” (With a very bitchy tone). I took his two dollars and said “this is enough for two hotdogs” and made them and gave them to him and paid the missing three dollars. His mother then approached him manager saying I was out of line because her child is an “over eater”. He was not over weight by any means, but even if he was, he hadn’t eaten all day (1:30 pm at this point) and was hungry and she wouldn’t buy him food. AND she watched him buy it and said nothing to me, only to my manager after it was over.

Was I in the wrong?