What were your tww symptoms??

Ok ladies, so I’ve been trying to conceive for the past 5 months and nothing. This past cycle however I noticed intense changes. For example, i was home cleaning when I felt so much discharge that my underwear were soaked. I went to the restroom and that’s exactly what it was, creamy lotion like discharge (been baby dancing before during and after ovulation). This has continued through the past 2 weeks. I’ve been experiencing headaches, mild cramps, heartburn, acid reflux, and I’ve been having to pee sooooo bad it irritates me. I’ve also noticed I’ve been really dizzy lately, almost like if my blood pressure went down. I’m trying so hard not to get my hopes up to then end up with a BFN like these past few months but there’s something in me that tells me this might just be! I’ve heard of girls areolas getting darker but not in my case, mines are actually only spreading if that makes sense... is this possible pregnancy sign?? I’m 4 days away from my period and I felt nauseous earlier today. AF isn’t due until Friday so I want to put away testing until then because I’m scared my hcg levels aren’t high enough yet. Any advice? Baby dust to you xxx