One day old, Mommy guilt


I am determined to breastfeed. Our baby girl is one day old and struggling. She’ll latch but will fall asleep right away. I feel like the lactation specialist lives in our room. Tonight I was really concerned because she hadn’t had a wet diaper in awhile. Our nurse took her blood to rest levels and they were low. I caved and gave her formula.

My heart is broken. I know this doesn’t mean breastfeeding is out of the question, but I’m down.

Tell me I’m not the first and this doesn’t mean breastfeeding is out of the question.

Update—thanks ladies! Breastfeeding is going GREAT! After giving her formula we had an amazing nurse who walked me though a couple tips. My milk came in on day 3 and baby girl is a eating machine.

Thanks for all your nice comments and suggestions. You’re all amazing!