balloon inserted today at noon


so we went at noon to get the balloon put in and I was dilated to a 1, 75% effaced. so they sent us home with the balloon in and at first I just felt a lot of pressure and then it got really bad. the contractions were like 2 mins long and about 5-7 mins apart. and I thought maybe it was getting close to time to leave to the hospital. they were super intense. and then all of a sudden they started spacing out a lot more. and now the last hour i’ve only had 3 contractions and 2-3 mins long. so i think my body is just trying to push this balloon out and it was kinda in shock when we got home and that’s why it got really bad. we’re gonna keep timing them and are scheduled to go to the hospital at midnight. but there’s a chance the balloon could fall out before then too and if it does then we’re supposed to head into the hospital.

anyone had a similar experience?! so curious.