May 12 due date ... i think im gonna go over


I keep having cramps on my legs when I walk , my inner thighs hurt a lot and it makes me so mad that its so hard to put on my clothes cause every time i lift my legs they hurt.. my feet are a little swollen . My hands are really swollen and i dont even sleep over my arms and they wake up all num , fingers stiff, hands and arms swollen , and hurts pretty bad all day .. i looked it up on google and it just says its just fluid going thorough my body from pregnancy.. my wrists hurt really bad tho, and im walking and my legs cramp up.. i was checked on friday and was told im finger tip dialated and thats nothing ... i had to get induced with my first one , i havent had contractions with this one , just once in a while my back will started hurting bad and my abdomen a little too... i cant deal with my hands hurting tho 😔😔😔😔😔😔