Getting really fed up now!! Due today!!!! 😕


Well I gave this monkey his eviction notice 2 weeks ago but seems he’s a stubborn one!! His big brother was 2 weeks early and 12 hour labour, don’t think I’m gunna be as lucky this time!! He’s back to back and likes to move around a lot in there so constant knees and feels like finger jabs on the out side of my belly!!

Had to finish work early as I’m a mental health nurse and the shifts/stress on top of anaemia were killing me so feels like I’ve been off forever waiting!!!!

Feeling really really grumpy today!! Luckily the hubby has gone to do some testing (PHD experiment) so he’s outs the line of fire for a few hours!!!

From around 7pm last night I have had crazy lower back pain and the odd pressure/period like cramp but nothing regular!! 😏 paracetamol helped me sleep a little but awake most of the night which won’t help at all with my grumpyness!!

Seeing midwife again on Thurs and gunna talk sweeps and induction!! Being in the UK they won’t consider anything until 40weeks!! 😒

Sorry for the really whingey post and if you read it all then thank you!! Fingers crossed it won’t be too long now and my next little monkey will be here as we are all waiting some patiently others ME NOT!!!!!!

Prob some others out there in the same situation!!!! Good luck to you all!!!