UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!!!my husband barely ever cries but he did this morning...


So yesterday I got home from going to Carolina Rebellion (a rock festival) and I seriously thought i might have a UTI I had been cramping terribly all weekend and peeing like crazy. after getting home I remember im supposed to start my period in a week and my doctor was going to do an HSG on me (me and my husband have been trying for over a year so we began getting seen for possible infertility). I figured what the hell whats another test. I prayed before I went to bed that it would be our time and that we would finally have a baby. well took a test this morning and this happens!!!!!

OMG IAM IN SHOCK!!!!! I ran into our bedroom and made my husband get up and come look. He instantly started bawling his eyes out and just kept holding me. y'all i have never really seen my husband cry but that gave me goosebumps. iam so excited but I know the realities and what can happen so im taking it easy for now. I can't believe I got such a strong positive!!! and at only about 3wks 6 days by my last LMP!! I cannot stop gushing my heart is so full!!!! baby dust to all of you!!! ❤❤❤


well waiting another month for an ultrasound was hell but here's our little alien ❤❤

I feel so beyond blessed and cannot wait to meet him/her this child is already so loved. through all the nausea, and my boobs feeling like they are filled with cement i would not change anything. we all love you so much little one and we cannot wait to meet you ❤❤❤