I need some advice!


Hello ladies!

Let me tell you ladies a little about me. So my husband and I got pregnant for the first time last year and we were so excited for our next chapter in life together. Well thanksgiving comes and I started having a missed miscarriage that day and ended up having a D&C; on December 1th. The doctor told me to wait for 3 cycles and we did. So now this is our second month of trying and my period is three days late and my cycles have always been normal even after the miscarriage. We ovulated late this last cycle then the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">glow app</a> said we did because we were doing OPKS at home as well. So I took a pregnancy test and they are coming out negative. I’m having all the signs of a pregnancy like tender breast and tired and a lot of discharge and etc. should I wait till a full week and then test again? What should I do ladies?