I had a miscarriage

Okay, everyone I’m extremely angry. Please tell me if you had similar experiences. I’m currently going through a miscarriage. It started yesterday at 6:30 am. I was exactly 4 weeks and 1 day. My mom told me I needed to make sure my uterus cleaned everything out. (Keep in mind my husband and I just moved, so I don’t have a doctor yet.) So, we went to the Women’s hospital.. BAD IDEA! We got there, they made me pee in a cup, and they took my blood. I already knew the urine pregnancy test would be negative. Because, when I found out I was pregnant I was taking a strip everyday, they were getting darker the few 3 or 4 days, but then they kept getting lighter until yesterday and then that’s when I finally got negative.

So, we wait 3 and 1/2 hours.. yes, I was miscarrying in the waiting room for 3 and 1/2 hours. They offered no ibuprofen or heat pack, nothing. So, FINALLY they take me back and you know what they say? I think your pregnancy tests were just false positives, because you aren’t pregnant.

Let me shows you guys something.

Okay, so how are 2 different brands and the First Response was from 2 different boxes, how are they ALL false positives??

I explained to her that I have been taking a pregnancy test everyday and I’ve taken 2 different brands. That’s when she decided to change things up and say, “Well, I think you were too early to tell then.”

Why would she not say that first?? I’m so confused. I took every pregnancy test first thing in the morning, tried to drink the same amount of water before bed, and I still got different results as the days went on. I could literally see them get dark and then they get fainted and fainter. So, how are those false positives.

I found out at 9 DPO I was pregnant and I KNEW I was before I even took a test. I could feel it in my body AND my heart. I think it’s very crazy and rude for someone to tell me I was never pregnant.

So, I know it was just too early to tell. And I hate my little one couldn’t be acknowledged by the doctors. I feel so devastated and angry. No to mention exhausted.

Let me know if anyone went through something like this during an early miscarriage.