Our family is to ally complete 💝


my pregnancy didn't go the way we had hoped but considering we had 4 miscarriages and was told having another baby wasn't going to happen we finally have our rainbow baby. Gracie-mae Olivia was born 25/03/2018 at 23.14 weighing 6lb 6.5oz at 4 weeks early. my waters had broken at 30 weeks so was In hospital on bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy. The day come to finally be induced to be told that there wasn't any beds in Nicu (scbu) for our little darling so we had to go to another hospital an hour away. we were told I would be induced as soon as we got to the new hospital which didn't happen. 2 days later after watching 15 women all go into labour and be taken to labour ward it was finally my turn to go over to start the drip. my contractions started but I was stuck at a 2cm for a few hours but we new from my previous

births once I got to a 4cm I would deliver within the hour. I developed septis while labouring so was put on anti biotics and fluids. at 22.30 my midwife checked me and I had just got a 4. literally 2 minutes later i said I'm ready to push she locked a bit shocked but

I new my baby was coming and she was coming now. low and behold 35minutes later our little prinny was born. she was rushed to Nicu (scbu) as she wasn't breathing properly and spend 4 days in special care. she is now 6 weeks old and is doing amazing. she was definitely worth all the heartache we have been through and the last peace to complete our puzzle.