please please do not give up hope


ok, so here goes....

I just wanted to write a little note to all you lovely perfect ladies who have suffered a miscarriage or plural..

my husband and I have been trying for a baby for three years. In those three years we have managed to fall pregnant 5 times. the first time took us 4 months, we went to our 12 week scan to find our baby had no heartbeat. it stopped at 8 weeks. The next time took us another 4 months. this time I made it to 6 weeks, had an early scan and miscarried the next day. Number 3 we made it about 5 weeks and number 4 the same. By now I'd given up. I'm 35 years old, my periods last two days and all the tests I've had show nothing but heart shaped womb. my heart was broken and I considered leaving my husband so he could find someone less useless than me. well, in April I had my friends wedding, I was a bridesmaid so felt amazing for the day and drunk like a fish to celebrate. the next day my hangover didnt leave, nor did it the next day or the day after that. I was pregnant again. I had no hope, didnt get excited. I felt miserable.. today I had a scan, im 9 weeks exactly. never made it this far. the heart beat is fierce and everything seems perfect. please

dont give up hope. my miracle baby is here and I love him so bloody much it hurts. good luck ladies. you all deserve it xxxxxxx