Bottle feeding help needed


My son has been exclusively bottle fed since birth. He has always had some feeding issues (in the hospital, it was that he wasn’t enough, and he would only eat upright and away from my body; currently- he likely has some degree of reflux, but keeping him upright during and for 20 minutes after has calmed down him spitting up, but OFTEN (probably 4-5 times per day), when I try to give him the bottle, he makes a “yuck” face and will spit out the formula and if I don’t take bottle out, he will choke). When he started doing this, i could usually figure out what was wrong with the bottle (too cold/too warm, vent or nipple not on bottle all the way, he was congested, etc), but now I usually can’t find any problem and he is sometimes rejecting it mid-feed. Also, he isn’t gaining much weight (he is in “normal” range of weight gain, but he is typically drinking over 30 oz/ day). I recently tried to switch formulas to help his reflux but he did terribly on the new one, so I switched back. I talked to the pediatrician but he just said he was doing ok, so not to make any changes. But I don’t think this is ok. But I do think I shouldn’t make any more changes until someone who knows what they are doing evaluates him in person. I have been trying to find someone like a feeding specialist like they have for breastfed babies who could help, but no luck. Does anyone have any advice about where I could turn for help?