Am I pregnant!?


Hey all, so I haven’t had my period in 70 days.... I’ve done countless home pregnancy tests and they have all been negative. Last week when I was due for my period I had brown discharge but that was only when I had wiped. For pregnancy symptoms I don’t know if it’s all in my head.. the only symptoms that I have is that I’m crazy tired all the time and just have a lot of gas. I did go to my doctor yesterday and she was very helpful and said that my situation is very strange and 70 days without a period doesn’t sound right. I had a blood test, urine sample and a vaginal swab. I get those results back tomorrow as she said they were urgent. My doctor wants to rule out pregnancy first and if my tests come back negative then I’ll have to have a pelvic ultrasound.

I just want to know if anyone else has had a similar experience and actually have turned out to be pregnant.

Thank you