ladies please pray for me.

Maria • Rest in peace 🙏 to my husband beto I miss and love you so much. Widow. 😢

on march 22 i went in for a mommy and me class i was 12 weeks pregnant i had a previous miscarriage2 years ago dr called it a chemical pregnancy. so when i found i was pregnant i was so hapoy every thing was going good six weeks saw a heart beat 10 weeks heared tge heartbeat even took a blood test fpr abnormalities which came back negative and it was was a boy. so as i go in my class they are doing where you can hear the baby heart beat . as i lay there there is nothing dr said cause im a big girl it might be hard times hear they tried 4 more times nothing finally i got sent to the er and tgey do a ultrasound and confirmed my baby heart stopped i saw his lifeless body and he stopped growing at ten weeks. they cant explain why. i was angry at god and didnt understand why he took my son. so i just finished my first period since my misscaridge and i ovulate this Saturday me and my husband will start trying again plz pray i will get pregnant and baby will stay in Jesus name thank. you