Do I have a fever or the flu?

So I have delevoped a sore throat over the past few days and I just ignored it because I went to prom last weekend and thought it was just from singing loudly and screaming and stuff. Today I went to help my grandma work in her yard and I started to feel my head begin to hurt pretty badly. I powered through it and got home and took some medicine, shut my blinds, and laid down to take a nap. I woke up feeling a bit better but my head still hurt slightly and my throat still hurt. I went and bought a thermometer and it read 99.1 degrees. I know that’s above average body temp, but does that mean I have a fever or the flu?? I don’t feel sick to my stomach and have no problem eating. I am thinking it may be allergies although I have never experienced any problems with allergies before this, but it kinda did get worse as I worked outside. I know there probably isn’t anyone on here that is a doctor that will see this, but I just want to get some input as I have to get help out in a pre school classroom on Thursday. I hope you had a great day and any feedback is appreciated :)