Help please....good question...


This is a very vague question but it's something I truly need to know if anyone can understand what I'm trying to say.

I'm so confused at this point if a certain guy in my life is manipulative/a bad guy.

When we have normal "deep" conversations sometimes and we had one tonight and he was talking about how someone else is manipulative and how he hates those people. He also swore he has never said anything to hurt me on purpose.

The truth is....I don't believe him.

I have this feeling that he is manipulative and that he lies. Let me tell you he has caused me a lot of pain but for whatever reason I'm still with him.

I'm not sure if this whole time it has all been my fault tho.

I love him but I was wondering...can you truly love someone who you can't trust, and who you think is manipulative?

Also what makes someone manipulative?

And a really big final question is , is can someone trick you into believing they aren't? As in can someone monitor their behavior and be really sweet and nice and caring but also at other times be really manipulative and mean

It just seems like this guy always finds a way to win an argument and always makes me wrong and it worries me. I also feel more excited than safe in the relationship.

Btw I know there isn't much to go off of on this post about my specific relationship but more in general questions really. Like if you have a gut feeling almost should you listen to it even if the guy can be really sweet at times.thank you!