Mixed signals


So, my husband and I had unprotected sex 2 days before my “estimated ovulation day” per Glow last month. We are NTNP. My period was due Friday 5/4, on Sunday 5/6 I noticed a little spotting that was pink/brownish. I read online that this could be implantation bleeding? But as the week has progressed the bleeding became heavier, I had low back pain, cramps, etc. It is starting to dwindle now. It’s felt just like my regular period. In addition to this nonsense I’ve been nauseated since Friday. Today I’ve been experiencing what I can only assume is indigestion because I’ve never had it before. It feels like there’s something stuck in my throat? I can’t seem to satisfy hunger. I know where all of these symptoms point to, but I’m confused as to how I’m currently having my period if I am pregnant?!

I’m taking a test tomorrow morning.