

My husband and I are arguing over a stroller and carseat combo, I just don't see my self paying 300 to 400 dollars for the same quality that cost 150-200. This is not my first baby, but it's his first child. Now he wants to act like I don't know anything, because my quality of taste and style is different, but he wants the baby to be comfortable. My son was comfortable in the stroller and carseat I brought he 4 years ago. I so over his mom and him. Just because some strollers and carseats cost more don't mean they're better. They just act like this my first child and they know so much which I can stand and I'm emotional and can't stop crying. What supposed to be a happy moment I just over this baby. I don't care if I'm overdue or not anymore. If his mom going to take over and tell him what to do with our baby. He agrees with everything she says, does, and buys. Like she also says glass bottle better for the baby. Okay I'm done venting... Any ideas on carseat/ stroller combo. Lol