Im feeling sooo exhausted 😩


Anybody feeling the same way??

Im 6weeks 3days. And ever since Ive been feeling very tired. I get tired if i walk to the store, I get tired if im doing laundry, I get tired doing my grocery shopping, doing tge dishes. I just feel my belly sooo heavy, and been having cramps and like strechibg sensation but its soo bad that i feel soo unconfortable. I feelbad bcuz its been very nice outside and my 5 yr old wants to go outside and play and i cant even do that with her :-(. Im not having any pregnancy symptoms, just tender sore breasts. Bloated all the time. And tiiiired all the time. Im soo anxiously nervous of everything. I want this pregnancy to b fine. I had a miscarriage in Feb, and thats my biggest fear. I dont want to do overdue myself on doing things around the house or outside when i go out. My first sonogram is until May25. Is this normal, should i be concerned?? Is anyone feeling the same way???