Does my bestfriend like my boyfriend?!

So I don’t know if I’m overreacting or not. But I’m pretty sure she has a crush on him. Everytime she’s around me or HER OWN BOYFRIEND she has a completely different personality. When she’s around my boyfriend she’s always laughing more. Even her own boyfriend notices it. She got my boyfriend a job with her dad and told him that she has to be extra nice to him or she can get him fired. She TEXTS him to tell him how good of a job he’s doing at work. Whenever she sees him she says “aww he’s so cute.” It bugs me because I know she would try something and even though I’m her “bestfriend” it wouldn’t stop her because she’s done that to other “best friends” before. And she’s already cheated on her boyfriend multiple times so I know she would be willing to do it again. I completely trust my boyfriend and I know he wouldn’t do anything but I don’t trust her. Should I say something to her?