My friend made my miscarriage about her! 😡😭

So I hope I can make this make this make sense. Some background - I have a friend who just turned 20 but shes extremely immature. Shes always difficult to be friends with. It was more of a friendship where she vents to me and I lovingly give her my sage advice. I am 22 so I know not much older but my life is just in a different place. My life has been focused on serving in a less fortunate area of the world as a service mission. Then I got married and we waited til our wedding night to have sex because it mattered to us. And we prayed and planned out when to start our family. We were blessed with a baby girl a bit after getting married and I gave birth the next year.

She has just been sleeping with guy after guy and jumping from boyfriend to boyfriend. I know she has BPD and an ED but she ignores my and her loving family’s constant advice to take some time for her between break ups. I do actually understand her pain as Im healing from similar issues as a teen and sometimes I still struggle. But she never tries to work on herself.

Well shes with a guy for 4 months and I actually like this guy for once. And she ends up pregnant. She got a positive test but her doctor said she was only about 2 weeks along. Well then her period came so blighted ovum/chemical whatever you want to call it. And I understand this is sad and I was there for her. I helped her ignore all the negativity from other people. I left in the middle of the night after my baby was in bed (my husband was home) to take her to ice-cream. I was really there for her.

Shortly after this my husband and I had already planned for 6 months when we were going to begin trying to conceive our 2nd child. I messaged her and wanted to let her know because I didnt want to hurt her when I told her I was pregnant one day.

Well fast forward a bit, I got pregnant and my husband and I were THRILLED. We knew there was someone who needed to be in our family. Fast forward a bit, I miscarried. We watched my hcg levels drop in the ER. I needed a rhogam shot. I was having actual contractions. My husband and I watched in horror as I held the fetus in my hand and blood poured out of me. We are devastated. This was just earlier this week. Im still sitting here with a heating pad on me because of the intense cramping I continue to have. My contractions were so intense I was nauseous and threw up.

I also had NO IDEA this was how a miscarriage goes. So it was a shock the entire time.

So after a few days, I let my family and friends know over Facebook that i am sorry for ignoring everyone and sorry for missing a lot of plans we made but we are miscarrying our second baby.

Right after she messages me about how she wrote about how her miscarriage affected her with her BPD. And i told her if it brings you healing to maybe help someone else with BPD then share it on a forum or something but im afraid youll get negativity on Facebook as she and her boyfriend have been together for 4 months and the pregnancy was an accident. She also lied in her writing about how far along she was.

Well she shared her story right after I had let my friends and family know about my miscarriage. This is not the first time she has stolen “thunder” from other people. She constantly makes things about her. Here her baby never had a heartbeat. It was never even confirmed that she was pregnant. And here my husband and i were trying and ready to be parents as we already are to our first. And i went through mini labour and held my baby in my hand. And yet she chose then to make it about her. Im sure im being harsh still but im beyond hurt and i ended my friendship with her. I guess im more venting but also hoping someone understands and would have felt the same? My