Advice! My boyfriend is a drug dealer??

My boyfriend has been hiding this for about 3 months and I found out when someone texted him that they were gonna swing by for a gram and it just really freaked me out and it scares me because obviously it’s dangerous. I’m not too fond of him smoking but he says it’s only temporary and he really needs the money due to his financial situations since he’s in debt. We talked about this several times and he thinks we always come to a good ending but it still bothers me and gives me anxiety. I told him I’m not too fond of him smoking and that it’s his life and he can do whatever I want and I don’t want to be apart of that because my dad is also a cop so that’s another reason why I get so much anxiety. When I found out, he said he wasn’t gonna tell me and that made me upset because I feel like he wouldn’t trust me enough to tell me?? I tried breaking up with him but he just ends up guilt tripping me and saying that everyone leaves him and I can’t blame him because both of his parents walked out on him and he’s been cheated on in the past and while we were arguing he said that I remind him of girls that he hates.