feeling deflated


I had a miscarriage on the 14th Feb this year. since then up until this cycle I did the peeing on sticks to the point of obsession and my cycle was spot on glows predictions...then there's this month. I'm supposed to be ovulating today and where the last 2 months I've had really bad ovulation pains this month nothing so I decided to pre on a stick bearing in mind I took a break this month thinking if it will be it will be and it came back negative so why have the glow predictions been bang on up to now and now nothing? I did feel some twinges maybe 5 or 6 days but didn't really think anything of them. now I'm wondering if I ovulated early and have sent my self crazy googling early ovulation. I don't know what possessed me to pee on that stick I was doing so well not stressing or thinking about ttc and now I've ruined it and sent myself into a spin :-(