To call or not to call...

Amelia • Mom to Clinton. Pregnant with Boy #2. Wife. Educator. Feminist. Ojibwe. Gymnastics, Dance & Cheer Coach. Punk Rock. Pisces Sun. Leo Moon. Writer. PPD Advocate. Vegan Baker. Christian. Humanist.


I am on permanent bed rest until further notice. Baby boy is now 80% effaced and directly on my poor cervix, causing lots of pressure. Basically we’re on baby watch and it’s just a matter of time now. I’m at 30 weeks today and we’re praying for at least 4 more! 6, ideally, but Clinton seems to have his own ideas. :)


Hi loves,

I’m currently 29+5 and I’m coming off my second hospital stint for pre-term labor. Baby boy looks fabulous (heart rate is great and he’s 3 lbs) and is at station zero with his head down. I’ve been on bed rest since being discharged over the weekend and I’ve been doing pretty well and holding strong at only 1 cm dilated.

But... within the last 24 hours things have shifted. I have regular contractions, my high risk OB essentially said this is my normal, but to pay attention to changes in intensity (whatever the heck that means). I’m feeling intense pressure in my pelvis (and anus, weirdly) and it’s beginning to line up with my contractions. I haven’t felt this before. I read it could be from baby already being dropped and engaged?

I have my regular OB appointment tomorrow so should I just suck it up until then or call L&D;? I’m genuinely so confused and frustrated. It’s hard to tell what’s emergent and what’s normal. :(