I’m think I need to end my relationship


This is such a hard post for me but I literally have no one to talk to because I’m just too embarrassed to tell my friends or family. Alcohol is ruining my relationship. My boyfriend & I have been together for 9 years (I’m 27). His drinking is beginning to progress (sneaking it & lying to me about it, drinking almost everyday throughout the week, & sometimes while driving) & this has been going on for at least a year. I should add that I drink too & have drank more often then I should in the past but now I’m back to weekends only; however I’m starting to feel like I can’t drink period just to make a point. For the past few weeks I’ve been thinking that if this doesn’t change then I’ll have to leave. I can’t live with a partner like that let alone the fact we’ve been together for 9 years & I see no commitment any time soon. I talked to him 2 nights ago about this (calm, no yelling, but serious) that I will leave if things don’t get better. We’re almost 30 & I want to move forward in our relationship & life. I’m tired of living like were 23. He’s a great guy & we have fun together but his drinking is pushing me into a corner. UGH#%*!.. I’m so torn between “is this the best I’ll ever get” & “theres plenty of other fish in the sea.” Bottom line I feel I need to do what’s best for me & I may have to make an extremely difficult decision. I guess things happen for a reason...😢