
okay so my s.o has been having problems with her boss at work .. we work at the same place .. so that's all I ever hear ... now it's starting to effect home life ... she literally jumped down my throat for something small .. I asked her to find my phone in the car because it fell.... she got all irritated .. and I said geez I ask u to do one thing and u get pissed off ... so I said I won't ask u for anything anymore .. I stay quit talking and just stay quiet ... we almost get home and she says something about work .. my reply was oh did she really .. ( I've had a tooth ache so I haven't talked much) and she goes say .

. oh now ur not talking to me what the f**k... I lost it I said why the hell do u have to make something a big deal ... so needless to say I lost my appetite didn't... eat dinner ... so now we sit here watching TV with the most tension ever ... I just needed to vent .. I have no one I can trust that wouldn't go blab to h er ... all this work stuff is starting piss me off .. she almost find something wrong with every job she gets after a while ... and if I say anything she says I just won't tell u anything anymore .... oh by the way yes we are a same sex couple