feeling so low


a little back story: I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety in 2012 or so... and now i have some kind of unclassified mood disorder as stated in my current charts. I had my daughter in 2011, so this is my second pregnancy. I haven't been on anti depressants in over a year.

my mom passed away March 7, this year. I have an appointment with my psych at the end of the month. there's so much emotional turmoil I'm dealing with on top of finding out I'm pregnant last week.

I don't know if I want to get back on meds, I know my sanity is also good for the baby but I'm having irrational fears about meds and the effect on the baby.

I just sleep so much and haven't done anything around the house in so

long. I still cool, but rarely clean. I shower every other day or so.

I don't even know the point of this post anymore. I just feel so helpless and down all the time. I'm thrilled about the baby, don't get me wrong. I'm just sad about life... I guess. it also happens to be Mexican Mother's day, that's a damper as well. missing my mom and battling depression is getting hard.