
I use this app averagly I guess just to get an idea when my period /should/ be arriving and its good. The only thing is the period log definitely needs a upgrade with more unique choices. They are very bland or broad and I'd just like to make it more personal for me and probably for a lot of others who are not finding their preferred choice.

some new options for the "how are you feeling" could be:





-apathetic (we all feel it a little more strongly negative when we're menstruating lets be honest)

for the reasons, maybe add "mental health"

a lot of the time im feeling certain things because its because my mental health during my period. maybe just a "mental" option in there?


-uneasy or uncomfortable

-weak (fatigue seems more like sleepy but its a weak feeling in the body but awake with no energy)

-no motivation

a lot of the times I skip the log because none of those choices are right at that moment. making it more personal can maybe have more people logging it closer to how their exactly feeling.