Boyfriend help

So me & my boyfriend recently just had our son a month ago & he just can’t stop smoking weed. I’ll admit he has slowed it down a lot then what we use to ( i stopped smoking when i found out & still haven’t smoked ). But fast forward to tonight he was smoking outside & the cops get called. They didn’t arrest him but he doesn’t understand the fact that our child could get taken away (it’s legal in my state but i assume a child endangerment charge could be what he could’ve been charged with). I told him no weed in the house & if i catch him smoking he’s leaving. He flipped out calling me a stupid bitch etc etc. I’m just very upset cause i just wish he would stop smoking and stop being so fucking rude. I can’t stop crying because i don’t want my son to get taken away & i don’t want to lose my boyfriend but that’s what it’s looking like. I love him so much but i will NOT put my son in a position to get taken from me. Sorry just needed to vent.