Burping, nappies and sleeping


Do you guys always change if you suspect it’s likely bub has done a newborn breastfeeding poop/shart?

And do you burp after each breast? Particularly the second breast, which wakes bub before trying to put him down? I’m having issues getting my bub to sleep and stay down.

So basically most of the time during the day if he cries I feel confident that he’s hungry (will start rooting, opening mouth side to side and get agitated and lead to tears if not fed in time)- OR has gas (usually comes out of bum as a shart- he’ll go red in face, bring knees to chest and start squarking and generally look in pain). I think some of our problem is... he’s not “burping”, so after a feed, I can’t seem to get the gas up (or down). If it does come out while I’m burping him it’s after like 15 minutes of tapping so by then he’s awake and not sleepy from his feed. So I tend to not burp after the second breast.

SO WHAT HAPPENS is I end up putting him down to sleep and then he seems to wake up with gas about half hour later which disturbs his sleep. Then we have unfortunate situation that his gas is usually a shart so he shits himself and I have to debate about changing his nappy or just leaving him. If I leave him I feel guilty and am wondering “is he crying cuz of his bum” OR I change him which usually WAKES him wide awake and he’s usually crying then I feel I need to comfort feed him to get him back to sleep and the cycle starts again!