HELP! What would you do! I need to make a decision quick

Alright I’ve asked all my other trusted friends/family, but I’m still struggling. I’m leaving to go see my best friends grad in Kentucky tonight, and still am not sure whether to bring My son or not. I was balls to the walls going to take him and roll with it but then my mom and dad offered to watch him do now I’m conflicted. There are several factors coming into play.

Pros if I take him she will be ecstatic that we both have made it to surprise her, he will get to adventure with me probably the last time while he’s considered infant in arms, and we will get to do all the things.

Cons if I take him are (the biggest) safety as I don’t know if his dad and my ex best friend may show up I know a lot of you don’t know the story there but it’s all bad and if we were to run into them I have no idea what would happen and since this is the school we met at and our graduating class it’s more likely they’ll be there, he’s be completely thrown off his schedule/out of his environment which means tantrums on tantrums, I’m not able to rent a car like I did last year so dependence on rides, orchestrating nap/sleep schedule, and limitations on celebration participation.

Pros if I let his grandparents watch him, he’d be in his everyday environment, he’d get extra family time, he’d probably enjoy it because they are a lot looser than I, he’d not get thrown off sleep wise, probs my far less tantrums, momma gets a break, id be able to focus on my friend and her accomplishments.

Cons if i don’t take him, my best friend is going to be disappointed he’s not there, I’ll likely have a hard time, I feel irresponsible planning a semi last min trip and leaving him even tho they offered, I’d miss an opportunity to go on adventures with him.

What do you all think I should do? I lean toward leaving him but then her potential disappointment of him not seeing her grad makes me question that.