Wondering if I’m Bi

I’m a girl and I like guys. But once, I had feelings for a friend that was a girl. She did too, but neither of us wanted a same-sex relationship (she thinks there’s a sort of internal homophobia we each developed from our childhood, my mom was very unsupportive of the LGBT community and raised me like that). We each had our own crushes though, my crush is now my boyfriend. I don’t feel for her anymore but I’m wondering if I’m bisexual? I’ve told my boyfriend that I’m confused about my sexuality, and I had a dream where he told me “I’ll always love you, even if your a lesbian” which was when I woke up. I of course told him about the dream and he said that it was true, that he’d love me no matter my sexuality. But I’m still confused. I’ve never liked any other girl other than my friend and my feelings for her weren’t even as strong as the feelings I feel for my boyfriend. I kissed her, with my boyfriend’s permission because of a dare. I didn’t feel anything. I still love her though, as a friend. I am really confused about what I am right now though. Has anyone ever experienced anything similar? Please help me.

Edit: I had an argument with my dad recently, he thinks any sexual orientation/identification that varies from straight cisgendered people is a mental illness. But he told me that if I were gay, he’d love every bit of me, including my “defect”. I feel so sick now. Does anyone know how tips on to deal with being potentially bisexual with homophobic parents (they say they aren’t homophobic)?