AHHH Am I in the wrong?! Anxiety!?

So tonight I fell out with my closest friend. She was in a horrible relationship.

• he would verbally, mentally and physically abuse her.

• manipulates their children and says horrible things about her to them

• tried to kill her dog

• spy’s on her house, drinks and calls her a bad mum

• basically a vile human

Well they went through this whole court case.

And contact was granted every other weekend.

I found out a few months ago that even through the court case, abuse and injunction that had been sleeping together the whole time.

She had been sleeping with her friends boyfriend as well. The friend isn’t mentally stable and doesn’t know.

WELL tonight I made my her friend cry because I said she doesn’t need him. He’s abusive, vile and manipulative. And I’m the bad one.

But am I the bad one?! I get she’s nearly forty but surely she must know that I say it because I care and don’t want anything to happen to her. I hate falling out with people but I’m passionate and believe that she can do FAR better than him... no matter how good the sex is! I HATE THIS! My anxiety is killing me.