Wtf is going on with my body!!!!


Quick rant....

April 5th was the end of my last period. I think.

I also had a super weird spotting for five days on the 18th of april... idk what it was started out light orange red with stretchy mucus. Then it was kinda watery it was not like a normal period...

Now I am here 12 days late and I FEEL LIKE I AM PMSING. It has been almost 2 weeks I have been feeling like this but it feels a lot worse now.

Little bloated, horrible mood swings, light cramps, not really hungry”thats the weird part”

Heavy boobs, emotional, watery creamy white mucus a tad stretchy but not really, which is also weird because usually I am dry! Mu cervix was low now its mid high.

I am patiently waiting for a period but idk wtf going on😭😭

Took a test yesterday and it was negative... anyone have any ideas!??