Birth Control Options


As a fellow sister on <a href="">Eve</a> tonight I was at Wal•Mart and thought of all the ladies here on <a href="">eve</a>. Some of you ladies are nervous about sex (especially if it is your first time). Your not sure what you do? Your mind goes all over the place. So I took a picture when know one was looking and here are all some over the counter b.c. (Mainly all condoms)Options for your first time or just a special night with your s/o. It’s not all just condoms some of it has to do with feminine wash and pregnancy test so you can ignore that. If you are already on b.c like the pill, iud, shot then things are different, you can choose to use double protecting or that which ever you prefer. For ladies who know this you know already, for ladies who are always talking about it here it is.