I think I found the one☺️

Oh my. Tonight I think I honestly found the one. You know when you found the one you just feel totally comfortable. You feel like if you were to tell that person anything they wouldn’t judge but accept you? Well that is him. He is my ex and the reason we broke up was because of distance. I ended up moving about an hour away. But before I moved we both sat down and talk and had a mutual understanding. To this day we are still friends and still talk but he just idek! He is just so amazing. Tonight was the first time we talked in person for the first time in like a year. Me and him just sat down and talked about anything and it was the best night I have had in a long time. We talked about us, and we talked about the current relationship he is trying to get out of but can’t find the right time Bc she is going through something rn. Tonight he wanted something to happen sexually but I told him no bc I want him to stay loyal. I don’t care if I love him or not. After he said he was sorry and he thanked me for that. He said he really respected me for that. I feel that sex isn’t intimate unless your making love. I am not a virgin and the next time I have sex I want to know that I am making love and not just having sex. When we were talking I just let him know about some thing that are going on with me that weren’t really great and he said how he loved me and wanted the best. When I heard that I just snuggled up to him and I wanted to fall asleep so badly. He just makes me feel so safe and protected. I yearn for his touch, it’s like I’m addicted. I just love him.😩❤️