At my wits end


I'm at my witsend & feel like rubbish. I had baby no.2, 3 weeks ago. (after a long age gap due to mother nature... how kind of her to give me such a big age gap....7 years). Anyway.......... this is probably going to sound really harsh/unfair. My little boy was feeding every 2 hours, 2 ozs, sadly I do most/all of the feeds. So this was getting to me, plus do school runs etc. The last 3 days I noticed my LO was sleeping longer between feeds, but taking more i.e. 4ozs evsry 3-4 ozs. This to me was music to my ears, now all of a sudden he has reverted back to 2oz, 2 hours. I'm so fed up of the Health visitor & my daughters godparents telling me to increase his feeds...... I have tried he will only take 2 ozs out of that feed. When i explain this to the godmum, she will say "keep trying" or if I'm feeding him and he has finiahed the bottle she will say "looks hungry to me, I would give him some more". I made a point of this the other day, to which he didn't take the extra feed. Her reply was "You took too long". My mother in law likes to tell me how awarful I look. My partner (who works nights M-F) only does a few day feeds. On the weekends he does 1 night feed & that's it. I then have to get on with the rest you would think he would let me have an extra hour in bed on the weekend. Nope I'm up with both children whilst he sleeps in till 11/12. We have been arguing recently & I told him how I felt, how I feel about myself & of everyone else. Nothink has changed. He has now decided to start doing over time on the weekends again, meaning I am doing everything, on 3/4 hours sleep (7 days a week) which now I feel is taking its toll. If i speak to my family about it, I get told to suck it up, and be greatful I have what I have. Dont get me wrong Im very greatful. I feel like I'm sinking & no one will listen to me