All i a bad friend

So I've been friends with this girl for about 5ish years but we've only really been close for like 2. The first year we started being close it was because we could relate to each other a lot and had some real good times etc, 2nd year I started to grow out of her because she was STILL doing the same things continuously knowing it wasn't helping the situation. She's 20, has no job, lives with ur dad, complains and moans about stupid shit that happened when she was like 12 and like her brother being the baby of the family and being spoilt and how she thinks it's unfair so why should she do things for herself if her brother doesn't have to. She stays home ALL day doing Absolutely nothing while her dad works 13hr shifts to pay for groceries and pay off house bills etc. He would like her to clean up and sometimes have dinner cooked when he gets back considering she does nothing and pays for nothing yet eats the food and uses everything but to her it's a big drama and she thinks she shouldn't have to. Anyways I got me a job moved away from home and saved heaps done heaps of stuff and lived life. Currently I'm 38 weeks pregnant and moved home when I was 30 weeks to be closer to everyone. I have car so I go out and do things sometimes. I don't really like going to visit my friend cause I feel She thinks because I have a car I should visit her even though she knows I'm pregnant. She doesn't have a car but I think if she really wanted to see me she'd catch a train or a bus seeing as it's so easy and she doesn't nothing anyway.. Am I a shit person for thinking that way?