Baby sleep/ parents no sleep


My baby is 1 month and 9 days. She is beautiful and healthy thank God 🙏🏼. She sleep through out the day most of the time. I put her down to bed every night after a bath around 9-9:30. She goes to sleep right away after a feed, but I always have a problem putting her back to sleep around 1am or 3am. Idk what to do anymore. Its so frustrated. She wakes up hungry she eats then when she tries to fall sleep she starts crying hysterical for hrs. I’m losing my mind. Hubby is helping a lot but I feel bad for him because he went back to work and im still in maternity leave. Therefore I need some recommendations; does that ever happened to any of you guys? Ay what age the stop at least crying like crazy at night or when im changing her diapers I dont mind waking up to feed her, but I cant stand the hysterical crying. I tried already routines. She even has a routine for bed time and feedings..
