Relationship with mother in law-

Our relationship has always been rocky. My husband is her favorite son and all his siblings know it too. (Younger brother continuously fights with my husband because he’s jealous of the way she constantly praises my husband). Well with good reason. My husband has done everything in his will power to drag his mother and his step father out of poverty. When we began dating and he told her we will get married things changed. She knew the financial focus will now be us and not her.

I can tell she’s money hungry and manipulative. But she’s his mother- she has a good side too and I respect her and stay away. She has treated my mother with disrespect twice. I snapped at her and told her that is NOT okay. I cut my visits to her because of this. My husband agrees and sees right through her but then again...that’s his mother he will always love her. And of course he should. Her jealousy also stems from his relationship with my mother. My upbringing was so much different than his. I grew up with love and caring parents. My mother always did EVERYTHING for me till this day actually! My husband praises her every minute he’s so proud of her to raise me and my brothers who have a super close bond with our family because of this. This infuriates my mother in law because she wasn’t and isn’t half the woman my mom is. I don’t hold it against her because like I said she also grew up in an abusive household and was pregnant at 14 years old. It’s a circle! And my husband and I pray and we say that when we have children this abusive past he had will be broken! His children will be loved and our family bond will be strong!

Today I was at a hair salon and I heard one of my close friends tell me a woman who sells pills to lose weight called my husband. Apparently my mother in law (who is borderline obese and takes every miracle lose weight pill she has seen because she is too lazy to workout) looked for her to get these pills to lose weight but she didn’t have enough money to pay for it . $300 a pop. So, she called my husband to get him to pay for it . $300 a month for a year. I can’t tell u the rage I felt inside my body. We don’t have a house, I JUST started my career, I still go to school and I am struggling paying for it, he’s also JUST starting his career as a realtor. The nerve to think she can take money from our household for her vanity. Instead of taking her ass outside and at least taking a walk everyday. I was never so upset and my husband knew I was right. He kept making it seem like it was the woman who asked for the money trying to protect his mom but deep in his head he knows it was her. All I know is that if we had a baby and she tried to pull this shit...I don’t even know what I would do! What would you do?