20 week scan...

Amy • 24, England. Mama to 3 amazing beautiful babes. George; 10|07|15. Di/Di Twin girls; Amelia & Isobel. Born at 35w+5d - 29|08|18 💕💙✨

Hello everyone!

I hope all you other expectant mamas are doing well & your pregnancies are going amazing so far.

We had our 20 week scan yesterday; feels like an absolute life time since our last one at 12 weeks! We're so happy to see our little babes again, who are both doing absolutely perfect & growing away beautifully! One bean is 12ozs and one bean is 11ozs. They are doing SO well and it's so lovely to hear that all is going as it should. I worry every time before a scan or an appointment and I'm not sure why, but it's lovely hearing and seeing my babes every few weeks. My scans will be every 4 weeks now with midwife appointments between; it's crazy to think theres only 4 more scans till we get to meet them, hold them, see their beautiful faces!!!

At our scan yesterday we also got to find out what we are expecting & we were so surprised, we didn't have any preferences at all, we just wanted them to be happy and healthy and that's all that matter... although, I must admit the minute she said we were expecting GIRLS me and my partner were both floored!! Two girls never crossed our minds, we kept saying "two boys or a boy & a girl" we don't know why we ruled two girls out but deep down I think we didn't think we'd ever get TWO GIRLS!!! Their big brother George is over the moon and he cannot wait to meet them in September - he's been saying for weeks now "sisters" and we've just brushed it off, sixth sense maybe? 🤷🏼‍♀️💕

Amelia & Isobel Westlake

Due September 28th 2018

You are both already SO loved...