IVF was my only option to have a baby... now this.. it’s heart breaking. Have the miracle or don’t and save him?

I’ve always has irregular periods and never worried about it being a few days late.

Last week it played on my mind that it hadn’t come and realized it had been 9 days since it should have arrived.

So I took a test, then 3 more and went and got the blood test which confirmed on Friday I am pregnant.

I’m still struggling with the fact that this was even possible to be even closed to being excited. I’ve suffered PCOS has the cyst popped twice and my ovaries are severally scared from this, I’ve been on the fertility tablets about 10 years ago when me and my then boyfriend tried to have kids and after a year still nothing.

And then lots of scans and testing to see if I ovulate a few years ago as my hormones were all over the shop. In 10 months of monthly testing with my doctor I only ovulated twice in that time so even he said <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> would need to be the way along with numerous drugs to assist.

Resigning to that fact I accepted it and moved on with life until Thursday when I got the positive tests.

I am not in a relationship with the father, in fact he is in a relationship and supposedly happy.

He knows I am pregnant we’ve been talking and crying together all weekend.

He knows that being pregnant wasn’t something I’d ever thought I could be and understand i would want to keep it but if I do he would lose absolutely everything and the entire pregnancy would be riddled with shake, scandal, stress etc

He says it’s my choice as it’s my body. And I keep saying it’s our choice.

I don’t want to hurt anyone which I know it is too late now but what if this is my only opportunity to have a baby, what is the universe is saying now is your time to be a mother and show your strength and it’s his time to come clean and own up to things he has done.

It takes two to tango and no I’m no home wrecker but I honestly never thought I could have a baby and technically I owe no one anything but in life I’m generally a people pleaser so I feel I should get rid of it to solve all of his problems but I think id never forgive myself and resent him.

Advice please. And no shaming or negative comments